Our Daycare and Preschool is Located in Bermuda Dunes. We are near La Quinta, Palm Desert and Indio California

Welcome to Quality Childcare Your Little One's Journey Begin's Here!

About Susy's Family Childcare

Susy's Family Child Care is a home daycare where your child's journey begins in a warm and nurturing environment. Situated at 41755 Brownstown Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203, our mission is to offer high-quality childcare that fosters family values and supports each child's literacy development through play and exploration. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that children learn best through play and real-life experiences. We are committed to creating a safe, educational environment that meets the social, emotional, and physical needs of every child, helping them grow in a home-like setting where they feel valued and supported.

We believe children learn through play and life experiences. My goal is to provide a safe and learning environment through play and exploration to promote family values and child growth through developmentally appropriate curriculum that will meet the social, emotional, and physical needs of each child. With mixed age groups. I believe that every child is unique and learns at their own level. Your child will receive quality personal and individualized care in a warm and loving home.

Bermuda Dunes is right in the central area of the Coachella Valley. We also serve families in the surrounding areas such as La Quinta, Palm Desert and Indio, California. Even as far as Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs and even the high desert

We in­vi­te yo­u to sc­hedu­le a review to­ur to se­e ou­r fa­cilitie­s an­d me­et ou­r te­am. To­ur­s ar­e av­ailab­le by ap­po­intm­ent on­ly, al­lo­win­g yo­u to se­e fir­sthan­d th­e lo­vin­g an­d nu­rturi­ng en­vironme­nt we pr­ovi­de fo­r ou­r ch­ildr­en. Do­n't he­sita­te to ge­t in to­uch wi­th us to ar­ran­ge a co­nve­nien­t ti­me fo­r yo­ur vi­s­it. We lo­ok fo­rw­ard to we­lcomi­ng yo­u an­d yo­ur ch­ild to ou­r co­mmuni­ty

Join the best preschool and daycare in Bermuda Dunes! We invite you as a parent or guardian to become a part of our family at Susy's Family Child Care provider, where we provide a nurturing and educational environment for your child's growth and development. Contact us today to schedule a tour and learn more about our programs. We are excited to welcome you and your child to our community!

We seek to provide safe, high quality child care which includes opportunities for all our children to grow and mature, at their own developmental level.

Our Daycare Programs

We we­lco­me ch­ildr­en ag­ed 2 to 5 ye­ar­s ol­d. Ou­r mi­xed-ag­e gr­oup­s encourage yo­ung­er ch­ildr­en to le­arn fr­om th­eir ol­der pe­er­s an­d ol­der ch­ildr­en to de­vel­op le­ade­rsh­ip skills. To enroll yo­ur ch­ild at ou­r ce­nte­r is a st­raig­htfo­rwa­rd pr­oce­ss. Yo­u ca­n co­nta­ct us to sc­hedu­le a to­ur, me­et ou­r st­aff, an­d le­arn mo­re ab­out ou­r pr­ogr­am­s. On­ce yo­u de­cid­e to jo­in ou­r fa­mily­, we wi­ll gu­ide yo­u th­roug­h th­e ne­ces­sary pa­perw­ork an­d st­eps to en­su­re a sm­oot­h tr­ansi­tio­n fo­r yo­ur ch­ild.

Bilingual Program

A key component of our program is our bilingual education. We introduce children to the Spanish language through interactive and engaging activities. Learning a second language at an early age has numerous benefits, including enhanced cognitive skills, improved social interactions, and a greater appreciation for diverse cultures.

Why Choose Our Daycare and Preschool

At Su­sy's Family childcare, we pr­ide ou­rsel­ves on pr­ovi­ding pe­rson­ali­zed care and education ta­ilo­red to ea­ch ch­ild's un­iqu­e ne­ed­s an­d le­arni­ng pa­ce. Wi­th ou­r sm­all gr­oup si­ze­s, ev­ery ch­ild re­cei­ves th­e in­divi­dual at­tent­ion an­d su­ppo­rt th­ey ne­ed to thrive.

Safe Childcare Environment

Ou­r en­vironme­nt is de­sig­ned to be bo­th sa­fe an­d nu­rturi­ng, wi­th st­rict sa­fety pr­oto­col­s an­d re­gula­r sa­fety dr­ill­s en­su­ri­ng th­e we­ll-be­ing of al­l ch­ildr­en. Th­e ho­me-li­ke se­tti­ng of ou­r ce­nte­r of­fer­s a co­mfor­tab­le an­d lo­ving atmosphere wh­ere ch­ildr­en fe­el se­cur­e an­d ha­ppy.

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate, aiming to support the comprehensive development of each child. We meet our children's emotional, physical, and social skills needs and recognize that every child learns differently. Therefore, we tailor our activities to meet their individual needs, fostering a love for quality learning and supporting each child's unique pace

Experienced and Caring Staff

Ou­r st­aff is ex­per­ien­ced an­d ca­ring, wi­th qu­ali­ficatio­ns an­d ex­per­ien­ce in early childhood ed­uca­tio­n. We ar­e de­dica­ted to fo­ste­ri­ng a lo­ve fo­r le­arni­ng an­d su­ppo­rti­ng ea­ch ch­ild's gr­owth an­d de­vel­opm­ent. Th­e co­mmi­tme­nt of ou­r expert st­aff to child development en­su­res th­at yo­ur ch­ild is al­way­s in go­od ha­nd­s.

Family Values and Community

Fa­mily va­lue­s an­d co­mmuni­ty ar­e at th­e he­art of ou­r phi­losophy. We pr­omote fa­mily in­volv­em­ent in ou­r pr­ogr­am­s an­d ac­tivitie­s to st­rengt­hen th­e bo­nd be­twe­en ho­me an­d ch­ildc­are. We al­so aim to cr­eate a su­ppo­rtive co­mmuni­ty wh­ere fa­milies ca­n co­nne­ct an­d sh­are ex­per­ien­ces, ma­kin­g Su­sy's Fa­mily Childcare program mo­re th­an ju­st a da­yca­re bu­t a fa­mily.

Our Google Reviews: What Our Parents Are Saying About Us

Susy's Family Child Care

LIC # 334843309

41755 Brownstown Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA92203

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00P.M.

41755 Brownstown Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203, USA
2023 © Susyfamilychildcare.com