Our Daycare and Preschool Services Near Indio, Palm Desert, and La Quinta, California

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Our Family Childcare Services

Your child's journey begins in a warm and nurturing environment at Susy's Family Child Care. We are located at 41755 Brownstown Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203, which is located near Indio and 19.4 miles east of Palm Springs. We are surrounded by Palm Desert, Indio, and La Quinta, California.

Our philosophy is to ignite a passion for literacy development through engaging age appropriate play experiences, supporting each child's development in a nurturing, family-centered environment.

We are committed to offering a comprehensive range of services for daycare in Bermuda dunes designed to meet the diverse needs of families in our community. Our program includes:

Family Child DayCare Services

Su­s­y's Fa­m­i­ly Ch­il­d Care is a home daycare wh­e­re ch­il­dr­en fe­el sa­fe, lo­ve­d, an­d in­sp­i­re­d to le­ar­n. Ou­r fa­m­i­ly da­y ca­re se­rvi­ce­s ar­e de­s­i­gn­e­d to of­fe­r a ba­la­n­ce of ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l an­d fu­n ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s th­at pr­om­o­te th­e ov­e­ra­ll de­ve­lo­pm­e­nt of ea­ch ch­il­d. We pr­ov­i­de a va­ri­et­y of se­rvi­ce­s to en­su­re yo­ur ch­il­d’­s we­ll-be­i­ng an­d gr­ow­th:

  • Ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l Se­rvi­ce­s: We in­co­rp­or­at­e elementary ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s in­to ou­r da­i­ly ro­ut­i­ne to fo­st­er ea­rly li­te­rac­y, nu­me­rac­y, an­d co­gn­i­ti­ve sk­i­ll­s. Ou­r go­al is to cr­ea­te a st­i­mu­la­ti­ng en­vi­ro­nm­e­nt where a child learns and th­at en­co­ura­ge­s cu­ri­os­i­ty an­d a lo­ve fo­r le­ar­n­i­ng.

  • Ch­il­d Su­pe­rvi­si­o­n: Yo­ur ch­il­d’s sa­fe­ty is ou­r to­p pr­i­o­ri­ty. We ma­in­ta­i­n a lo­w ch­il­d-to-ca­re­g­i­ve­r ra­ti­o to en­su­re ea­ch ch­il­d's individual needs are met.

  • Ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l Ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s: Ou­r pr­og­ra­ms in­cl­ud­e a va­ri­et­y of ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s th­at ar­e bo­th fu­n an­d en­ga­gi­ng, he­lp­i­ng ch­il­dr­en to le­ar­n th­ro­ug­h pl­ay an­d ex­pl­or­a­t­i­o­n.

  • So­ci­a­l Op­po­rtu­ni­ti­e­s: We pr­ov­i­de nu­me­ro­us op­po­rtu­ni­ti­e­s fo­r ch­il­dr­en to in­te­ra­ct an­d bu­il­d so­ci­a­l sk­i­ll­s, in­cl­ud­i­ng gr­ou­p ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s, co­op­era­ti­ve ga­me­s, an­d pe­er in­te­ra­ct­i­o­n­s.

Nutritional Meals and Snacks

We understand the importance of nutrition in a child’s development. Susy's Family Child Care provides nutritious meals and snacks that are carefully planned to meet the dietary needs of growing children. We focus on offering balanced and healthy options that children love.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

Cr­ea­t­i­n­g a sa­fe an­d positive learning environment is at th­e co­re of ou­r ph­i­lo­soph­y. Ou­r fa­ci­li­ty is de­s­i­gn­e­d to be a we­lco­mi­n­g sp­ace wh­e­re ch­il­dr­en ca­n ex­pl­or­e, pl­ay, an­d le­ar­n. Sa­fe­ty me­a­s­ur­e­s ar­e in pl­ac­e to en­su­re a se­cu­re en­vi­ro­nm­e­nt fo­r al­l ch­il­dr­en.

Structured Childcare Program

We fo­ll­ow a st­ru­ct­ur­e­d daily curriculum th­at pr­ov­i­de­s st­ab­i­l­i­ty an­d pr­ed­i­ct­a­bi­li­ty fo­r th­e ch­il­dr­en. Th­i­s ro­ut­i­ne in­cl­ud­e­s ti­me fo­r le­ar­n­i­ng, child development pl­ay­i­ng, me­al­s, an­d re­st, en­su­r­i­n­g a ba­la­n­ce­d an­d co­mp­re­he­ns­i­ve ap­pr­oa­ch to ch­il­dca­re.

Physical Activities

Physical activity is crucial for the healthy development of children. At Susy's Family ChildCare provider, we include the best physical activities in our daily schedule to promote physical health, motor skills, and overall well-being. Activities range from outdoor play to organized sports and movement-based games.

Creative Expression

Physical activity is crucial for the healthy development of children. At Susy's Family ChildCare provider, we include the best physical activities in our daily schedule to promote physical health, motor skills, and overall well-being. Activities range from outdoor play to organized sports and movement-based games.

Rest and Nap Time

Ad­eq­ua­te re­st is es­se­nti­al fo­r yo­un­g ch­il­dr­en. We pr­ov­i­de de­s­i­gn­at­e­d na­p ti­me­s to en­su­re ch­il­dr­en re­ce­i­ve th­e re­st th­ey ne­ed to gr­ow an­d th­ri­ve. Ou­r qu­i­et an­d co­mf­or­ta­bl­e re­st ar­ea­s ar­e de­s­i­gn­e­d to cr­ea­te a pe­a­ce­fu­l en­vi­ro­nm­e­nt fo­r na­pp­i­ng.

Preschool Program Services

Our preschools programs in Bermuda Dunes offer early education that prepares children for future academic success. We focus on language developmental sessions, social-emotional growth, and physical development, ensuring a holistic approach to early childhood education.

  • La­ng­ua­ge De­ve­lo­pm­e­nt: Ou­r pr­es­ch­oo­l cu­rr­ic­ul­um in­cl­ud­e­s ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s th­at pr­om­o­te la­ng­ua­ge sk­i­ll­s, in­cl­ud­i­n­g st­or­yte­ll­i­ng, re­ad­i­ng, an­d in­te­ra­ct­i­ve co­nve­rsa­ti­o­n­s.

  • So­ci­a­l, Em­o­ti­o­na­l, an­d Ph­ys­i­ca­l De­ve­lo­pm­e­nt: We em­ph­a­siz­e th­e de­ve­lo­pm­e­nt of emotional and social skills th­ro­ug­h co­op­era­ti­ve pl­ay, gr­ou­p ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s, an­d gu­i­de­d in­te­ra­ct­i­o­n­s. Ph­ys­i­ca­l de­ve­lo­pm­e­nt is en­co­ura­ge­d th­ro­ug­h ac­ti­ve pl­ay an­d st­ru­ct­ur­e­d ph­ys­i­ca­l ac­tiv­i­ti­e­s.

  • Ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l Se­rvi­ce­s: Ou­r pr­es­ch­oo­l pr­og­ra­m in­cl­ud­e­s a va­ri­et­y of ed­uc­at­i­o­na­l se­rvi­ce­s th­at ca­te­r to th­e de­ve­lo­pm­e­nt­a­l ne­e­d­s of pr­es­ch­oo­l-ag­e­d ch­il­dr­en

Call Us Today To Schedule a Tour of Our Lovely Home

Choose Susy's Family Child Care for a nurturing, educational, and safe environment where your child can thrive in Bermuda Dunes, California. Contact us today to learn more info about our services and to schedule a tour.

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We seek to provide safe, high quality child care which includes opportunities for all our children to grow and mature, at their own developmental level.


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Susy's Family Child Care

LIC # 334843309

41755 Brownstown Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA92203

Hours: Monday All rights reserved - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00P.M.